Civil Law in EU Advertisement in EU LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES We do business in:
Baltic States, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Croatia.
Ukraine, Kazakhstan are also our markets.
Activate your business
with us!
Websites, Internet advertisement, Social networks, Signs and decals,
all what you need
Our Portfolio
AN.COMPANY Mājas lapa izstrādes stadijā. Latviešu valodas versija ir instalēšanas procesā. Atvainojamies par sagādātajām īslaicīgajām neērtībām.

What you need for your company?

Just click the right answer or go to menu and pick one or our services

Outdoor and indoor advertising

Advertise your products, events or services in a vivid and visible way

Digital Marketing and Advertisement

Usually used to promote brands, goods, services, web resources on the Internet

Legal Consulting Services

Our in-house lawyer will outsource your family issues or work instead your corporate legal department, protect against risks and deal with immigration, commercial or family law matters.

The website

Classical instrument to get Clients: Corporative, Onepager or E-shop

Digital Marketing and Advertisement

Usually used to promote brands, goods, services, web resources on the Internet

Outdoor and indoor advertising

Advertise your products, events or services in a vivid and visible way

Legal consultations

Get full legal advice required for signing contracts, inviting people in your business from abroad and managing legal issues


From and to Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian: English, Ukrainian, Russian, Herbew. Notarial certification. Apostille.
Interesting facts

Facts of our success
anno 2018

We started in Latvia and now are operating in Baltic States, Poland, Czechia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and UK

1 +
Years of
1 +
Expert team

We are very glad to get client review.

Once we asked our Clients to come up with honest characteristics of us…what they said is not a secret anymore.


Our Team is what You can lean on

Get in touch

Get in touch for any kind of inquiries and design briefs

We’re glad to discuss any of your requests. In case of no in-house way we will advice you with our Partners

Our head office address

Slokas street 31, Riga, Latvia

Call us for good talk

(371) 22368976 (Latvia)
(372) 54639013 (Estonia)

Mail us for information
Facebook: advertisingcompanyAN

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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    (10am - 05 pm)